Cumulative system of discounts, increasing from the total amount of transactions made by the participant for the entire time of using the resource.
It is now easy and safe to exchange cash for cryptocurrencies in Turkey. We are here to help you.
Nowadays, more and more investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts are interested in exchanging cash for cryptocurrencies and vice versa. In this regard, there is a significant need for cash-to-cryptocurrency and crypto-to-cash exchange services in Turkey.
Our company offers services for the exchange of cash for cryptocurrency and vice versa. We work daily and provide exchange services for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and other cryptocurrencies. The exchange is carried out on the basis of the current rate, which is updated every minute, which guarantees our clients the best rate on the market.
Our platform provides both cash-to-crypto and crypto-to-cash solutions, as well as cryptocurrency transfer services based on the current exchange rate, which is updated every minute.
We offer solutions from exchange to storage. There is no one who could do it better.